
Our reagent grade enzymes have been used for many peer-reviewed scientific journal publications.

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Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience

Cockrum, R.R., Austin, K.J., Ludden, P.A., and Cammack, K.M. (2009). “Effect of subacute dietary nitrate on production traits and plasma analytes in Suffolk ewes,”Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience, 4(5): 702-708

Bioresource Technology

Kermanshahi-pour, A., Sommer, T.J., Anastas, P.T., Zimmerman, J.B. (2014). "Enzymatic and acid hydrolysis of Tetraselmis suecica for polysaccharide characterization", Bioresource Technology, 173: 415-421.

Field Analytical Chemistry & Technology

Tebault, S.A., Poziomek, E.J. (2000). “Humic substances as interferences in the analysis of nitrite in water,” Field Analytical Chemistry & Technology, 4(2-3):134 – 146.

Frontiers in Plant Science

Carlisle, E., Yarnes, C., Toney, M.D., Bloom, A.J. (2014). "Nitrate Reductase N discrimination in Arabidopsis thaliana, Zea mays, Aspergillus niger, Pichea angusta, and Escherichia coli", Frontiers in Plant Science, 5: 317.

International Journal of Environment Science and Technology

Cockrum, R.R., Austin, K.J., Ludden, P.A., and Cammack, K.M. (2009). “Effect of subacute dietary nitrate on production traits and plasma analytes in Suffolk ewes,”Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience, 4(5): 702-708

Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology

Iacob, S. (2006). “Hyaluronan fragments activate nitric oxide synthase and the production of nitric oxide by articular chondrocytes.”The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 38(1): 123-133.

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Navarro, F.J. (2008). “Phosphorylation of the yeast nitrate transporter Ynt1 is essential for delivery to the plasma membrane during nitrogen limitation”, Journal of Biololgical Chemistry, 283: 31298-31217.

Navarro, F.J., Machín, F., Martín, Y., and Siverio, J.M. (2006). “Down-regulation of eukaryotic nitrate transporter by nitrogen-dependent ubiquitinylation”, Journal of Biololgical Chemistry, 283(45):31208-17

Journal of Chemical Education

Ryswyk, H.V., Hall, E.W., Petesch, S.J., and Wiedeman, A.E. (2007). "Extending the Marine Microcosm Laboratory." Journal of Chemical Education, 84(2): 306-309.

Journal of Environmental Monitoring

Ringuet, S., Sassano, L., and Johnson, Z.I. (2011). “A suite of microplate reader-based colorimetric methods to quantify ammonium, nitrate, orthophosphate and silicate concentrations for aquatic nutrient monitoring,” Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13: 370-376.

Journal of Experimental Botany

Mickelson, S., See, D., Meyer, F.D., Garner, J.P., Foster, C.R., Blake, T.K., and Fischer, A.M. (2003). "Mapping of QTL associated with nitrogen storage and remobilization in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves,” Journal of Experimental Botany, 54(383): 801±812.

Journal of Laboratory Automation

Coakley, M., Hurt, D. (2016). "3D Printing in the Laboratory: Maximize Time and Funds with Customized and Open-Source Labware" Journal of Laboratory Automation, 21(4): 489-95

Pearce, J., Anzalone, N., Heldt, C., (2016). "Open-Source Wax RepRap 3-D Printer for Rapid Prototyping Paper-Based Microfluidics" Journal of Laboratory Automation, 21(4): 510-6

Journal of Proteome Research

Lee, F.W.F., Morse, D., and Lo, S.C.L. (2009). “Identification of Two Plastid Proteins in the Dinoflagellate Alexandrium affine that Are Substantially Down-Regulated by Nitrogen-depletion.” Journal of Proteome Research / American Chemical Society, 8(11): 5080-5092.

Open-Source Lab: How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Research Costs

Pearce, J.M., (2015) "Open-Source Photometric System for Enzymatic Nitrate Quantification," PLoS ONE, 10(8):e0134989. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134989.

Plant Molecular Biology

Martin, Y., Navarro, F.J., and Siverio, J.M. (2008). “Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis thaliana nitrate transporter CHL1 in the yeast Hansenula polymorpha”, Plant Molecular Biology, 68(3): 215-224.

Science of The Total Environment

Phillip J. Blaen, Kieran Khamis, Charlotte E.M. Loyd, et al. (2016). “Real-time monitoring of nutrients and dissolved organic matter in rivers: Capturing event dynamics, technological opportunities and future directions”, Science of the Total Environment, 569-570: 647-660.

Solar Energy

Z. Du, D. Denkenberger, J.M. Pearce (2015). "Solar photovoltaic powered on-site ammonia production for nitrogen fertilization", Solar Energy, 122 (2015): 562-568.


Monteiro, T., Rodrigues, P.R., et al. (2015). "Construction of effective disposable biosensors for point of care testing of nitrite", Talanta, 142 (2015): 246-251.

United States Geological Survey Techniques and Methods

Patton, C.J., and Kryskalla, J.R., (2011). Colorimetric determination of nitrate plus nitrite in water by enzymatic reduction, automated discrete analyzer methods: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 5, chap. B8, 34 p.>

Water Research

Sarker, D.C., Sathasivan, A., Rittmann, B.E., (2015). "Modelling combined effect of chloramine and copper on ammonia-oxidizing microbial activity using a biostability approach", Water Research, 84: 190-197.